Sales prediction We help you to predict any product as a customized way. About the project Demand forecasting allows production to be adjusted in the face of demand peaks, anticipating this and avoiding both the need to perform overtime and the loss of income...
Identification and recognition of objects Web and mobile applications using the best technology in objects reading. About the project The identification, recognition and reading of texts make up an area within Computer Vision that has been under development in the...
DQIoT Data Quality for the Internet of Things About the project We are witnessing the birth of a new industrial revolution, in which machines not only do work that minimizes physical effort, but can now intelligently collaborate with each other for better results. It...
Torre Juana Inteligente Sensorization in our environment About the project We have collaborated with the “Royal Santa María” Foundation in the implementation and maintenance of its advanced MHS cultural heritage monitoring system. The foundation has...
CTMOOC Computational Thinking for Educators About the project Eğitmenler İçin Bilgi İşlemsel Düşünme is the Turkish version of the successful online course Computational Thinking for Educators created by Google. This MOOC, framed in the proyect Keşf@ Bilinçli İnternet...
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